Welcome to Radio St Helier

Here you will find all about Radio St Helier, what we do, and how we do it.

Run entirely by unpaid volunteers, we provide 24 hour entertainment for the patients of St Helier Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children.

Listen to us in the hospital by switching your bedside tv to radio and selecting ‘Hospital Radio’.

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Traversing the Noon

19th October Join Paul for a jam-packed first hour as he squeezes in as many of your favourite features as possible! Then, in the second hour, it’s all about Three is the Magic Number as he goes Bronze with a selection of hits that peaked at number 3 in the UK charts...

St Helier 9211 from 9 on Saturday

19th October - Mark brings his signature wit to the airwaves to put a smile on your face. He'll be celebrating the birthdays of two celebrities, diving into another quirky gem from the Dull Men's Club Archive and challenging you with his 5 to 1 Fun Quiz.

The Past Chart Show

18, October - Pete Morgan will be here taking you on a musical journey through the hits of 1983 in the first hour, followed by the chart-toppers of 1993 right up until 10 o’clock. Let Pete keep you company and enjoy an excellent mix of music.

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