Welcome to Radio St Helier

Here you will find all about Radio St Helier, what we do, and how we do it.

Run entirely by unpaid volunteers, we provide 24 hour entertainment for the patients of St Helier Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children.

Listen to us in the hospital by switching your bedside tv to radio and selecting ‘Hospital Radio’.

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Traversing The Noon – Saturday 11 – 1 pm

7th Sept - As always Paul will crowbar in as many of the usual features as possible during the first hour and then after traversing the noon the second hour will be bronze. Every track will come from 1980 and will have peaked at number 3 in the UK Charts. He'll also...

It’s All In The Name – Friday 7 – 8 pm

6th Sept the fifth and final part of our musical curiosity, where every song asks a question. Despite being week 5 there's still lots of great tracks to come including Annie Lennox, Madonna, Marvin Gaye, Johnny Logan, Take That and many, many more. Sit back, relax and...

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