Welcome to Radio St Helier

Here you will find all about Radio St Helier, what we do, and how we do it.

Run entirely by unpaid volunteers, we provide 24 hour entertainment for the patients of St Helier Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children.

Listen to us in the hospital by switching your bedside tv to radio and selecting ‘Hospital Radio’.

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The Past Chart Show – Friday 8 – 10 pm

20th Sept: This week, Pete moves forward a year, guiding us through the chart hits of 1979 in the first hour before leaping to 1989 for the second. Join Pete as he time-travels through two iconic years of music, all the way up to 10 o'clock.

SOS – Sylvia On Saturday every week from 1 till 3pm

7th September - Dionne's back from her travels and joins me for some more fun and trivia as we look at some old news now. Can you get the link between three songs? We've got a country break just after 2pm and every step of the way, there's your requests!

St Helier 9211 – Saturday from 9 till 11 am

7th September - join Mark as he reveals another file from the archives of the Dull Men's Club, celebrates the birthdays of two celebrities all wrapped up in some great music and wit.

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